Mihei Shipping and Trade provides international maritime transportation of bulk cargo in the area of the Black Sea, the Mediteranean or Aegean Sea. help
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Mihei Shipping and Trade

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Mihei Shipping and Trade
Phone:       + 40 341 405101
Fax:            + 40 241 618098
Address:83 Mamaia Blvd., Bl. LS5, Ap. 4
Web Site    

The policy of Mihei Shipping and Trade is maintaining an independent position on the bulk and general cargo maritime transportation market, to satisfy the various requirements of our national and international clients, according to the ISM code, adopted by IMO, through A 741 (18) resolution.

The company insists on professional training and acquired performances of the employees, both sea going and shore-based, encouraging them to adhere and to have an active contribution to accomplish the objectives of the policy, by implementing the procedures and work instructions of the safety management system.

The ultimate goal of this policy is prompt services, work efficiency and consideration for individual and environment.

Mihei Shipping and Trade Ltd pays particular attention to the safe operation of vessels and keeps all its partners informed with accurate information concerning local developments, potential trends and shipping demands.

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