More rendered services which helps you to manage transportation more efficiently. Meridian IQ can manage as many processes as you need, maximizing the efficiency and the value we deliver. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Meridian IQ (India) Private Limited (Bangalore Branch-Blr)

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Meridian IQ (India) Private Limited (Bangalore Branch-Blr)
Contact:    S. Mohamed Kishore (Co-Ordinator, BLR Branch)
Phone:       0091-80-51155982
Fax:            0091-80-51155983
Address:#730, First Floor, C M H Road, Indira Nagar First
Web Site    

Meridian IQ is the global transportation management company of Yellow Roadway Corporation.
Our services include:
-Supply Chain Analysis and Design,
-Global Transportation and Customs Brokerage,
-Transportation Management,
-Supplier/Purchase Order Management,
-Distribution and Fulfillment,
-Technology Tools.
Our experts can help you turn transportation management into a competitive advantage - quickly and without disrupting your business. You'll gain control of key transportation processes, dramatically improve your operating efficiency, enhance your profitability, and exceed your customers' expectations. Meridian IQ operates a business process center that manages 200,000 global shipments annually. You can acknowledge our intelligent solutions and powerful results.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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