Mercator Lines Limited is an established player in the marine transport industry. help
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Mercator Lines Limited

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Mercator Lines Limited
Phone:       +91-22-66373333
Fax:            +91-22-22811029
Address:83-87, Mittal Tower, B-Wing, Nariman Point
400 021
Web Site    

We are providers of sea borne transportation services, primarily involved in the transportation of crude oil in India and overseas.

Our services are classified into the Tanker and Lighterage divisions.

Tanker division
Our tanker division provides tonnage for the transportation of crude oil both domestically and internationally.
Our fleet ranges from medium range vessels, Aframax’s to VLCC’s.
Our VLCC is the largest Indian flagship vessel.
The tonnage is deployed either on time charter contracts or on spot charters and contracts of affreightment.
We also provide floating, storage and off take operations (FSOs).

Lighter age division
The company through its dry cargo lighter age division, has affected several coal handling contracts, which include stevedoring on the mother vessel, lighter age by barges and transport of coal up to the shipyard (compacting and stockpiling).

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