United Kingdom
N McKnight Bulk Transport and Storage offers haulage and storage services within Ireland and throughout the UK. help
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McKnight Bulk Transport and Storage

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United Kingdom
McKnight Bulk Transport and Storage
Phone:       (028) 38 318 765
Fax:            (028) 38 318 377
Address:30 Tannyoky Road
Newry , Co. Down
BT35 6RG
Web Site    

Storage facilities:
The company offers extensive grain storage facilities with a capacity of 2000 tonnes at the Newry site. The capacity amounts can be tailored to meet customer requirements, and is offered at a competitive price. This facility can used on either a short or long tem basis. This service is available all year around.

Haulage services:
We offer haulage facilities for animal feeds and grain using bulk tippers and bulk pneumatic blowers. All tipping trailers have 'easy sheeting' fitted which protects the customers consignment and have weighing facilities fitted on all trailers. Daily trips are undertaken between North and South and between Ireland and the UK.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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