United States
As a nationwide trucking company and truckload broker, Market Transport Services provides full range transportation services. help
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Market Transport Services, Ltd.

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United States
Market Transport Services, Ltd.
Phone:       (503) 283-2405
Address:110 N Marine Drive
Portland , Oregon
Web Site    

Transportation Modes
Market Logistics Services offers customized door-to-door intermodal shipping services through contracts with all major rail carriers and preferred drayage carriers throughout North America.
Market Transport Services Carrier Group, consisting of Market Transport, Ltd. and United Express, Ltd., offers dedicated transportation services including refrigerated trucking and LTL trucking along the I-5 corridor in the western states.

Managed Logistics (3PL)
Managed Logistics is a single-source transportation management solution offered with a full range of logistics services, nationwide, to address the complex transportation challenges plaguing today's increasingly competitive supply chain system.

Brokerage Services
Market Transport Services - InTransit®, Inc. provides the best tools and technology in the transportation brokerage industry sector. Our computer network provides online access to the most comprehensive database in the transportation business.

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