United States
MTL is NVOCC-licensed shipper of cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles and heavy machinery to Russia and other Eastern European destinations, the Middle East, Africa and China, and other destinations worldwide help
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Marine Transport Logistics

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United States
Marine Transport Logistics
Contact:    Vlad Kulyak
Phone:       201-858-8600
Fax:            201-858-8607
Address:63 New Hook Road
Bayonne , New Jersey
Web Site    

Marine Transport Logistics offers freight forwarding by air, ocean and land; international transport of in different ports; storage of containers at specially equipped warehouses; cargo consolidation; door-to-door delivery; international standards of delivery (F.A.S., F.O.B.); expediting of time-sensitive shipments; redirection of cargo during transport; representation of clients interests at port agencies and steamship lines; customs registration of cargo at international ports; professional legal support, and other services

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