United States

Maisliner Transport |
Phone: 1-800-3693-2121 Fax: 514-366-0213 |
Web Site
We offer our clients such services as:
- LTL & truckload service;
- specialized equipment;
- U.S. and Canadian Bonded;
- total Canadian coverage;
- Just In Time delivery service;
- flexible service times;
- New York City deliveries;
- warehouse locations in New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, Quebec and Ontario;
- a network of over 5,000 trucking companies working with us.;
- we research available carriers meeting your requirements;
- our brokers will track your shipment from pick-up through delivery and tell you if any problems arise in transit;
- we have 24-hour dispatch available to track your shipment every "drop" of the way;
- transportation consultant services.
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