
LTL Lueder Transport & Logistic |
Address: | Airport Hamburg
Cargo Building 200 Hamburg 22335 | |
Web Site
LTL Lueder Transport & Logistic keeps up a network of operational agents and offices in every major city. We can handle shipments from any point of origin to any point of destination.
LTL Lueder can provide importers with Customs Bonds, a requirement of German Customs on import shipments. We offer single transaction bonds to companies that do not import on a regular basis and continuous bonds, which renew annually to companies importing regularly.
We provide insurance coverage from origin to destination and we arrange individual coverage via air or ocean.
LTL Lueder can make arrangements to handle your shipments from your shipper's warehouse to your warehouse by ocean or
We offer single transaction bonds to companies that do not import on a regular basis and continuous bonds, which renew annually to companies importing regularly.
We provide insurance coverage from origin to destination and we arrange individual coverage via air or ocean.
Full Service
LTL- Lueder offers its shippers value added assistance such as Cargo Insurance, ranging from basic coverage to All Risk. We provide insurance coverage from origin to destination and we arrange individual coverage via air or ocean. Air waybills are sent electronically to our customers or others if requested.
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