
Lloyd Hutton Transport |
Contact: Bob Remington Phone: 1-800-361-3166 Fax: (519) 353-5943 |
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Our freight services in Canada
Our main lane of service is general freight from Ontario and Quebec going to destinations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. This consists of many different types of products from furniture to building products to just about anything. Once the freight is delivered, we return to Ontario or Quebec with livestock from Western Canada.
Our freight services in the USA
Our primary travel in the Unites States is to the south-east portion with dry vans. Although we have, at one time or another, traveled almost anywhere with almost anything (livestock or freight).
Our warehouse facility
In Paisley, Ontario. This warehouse facility is used to gather freight shipments from various customers in order to compile loads travelling to the same destinations. This inventory is turned over very rapidly and provides us with another means of better serving our customers.
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