Liner Trade was founded in the mid-1990s as a classic transport company, offering freight services for numerous Russian production companies with and without foreign participation. help
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Liner Trade

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Liner Trade
Phone:       +7 (095) 956 94 34
Fax:            +7 (095) 956 94 33
Address:Horoshevskoe shosse 32A
Web Site    

We have our own storage capacity and co-operate with numerous warehousing companies in Russia and Europe. We provide transport, storage, consolidation and reloading services for further delivery to the end purchaser.
- storage of all goods types;
- goods controls;
- fast creation of accompanying papers for freight processing;
- labelling, packaging in foil and repackaging of goods;
- completion and delivery of individual orders from the total quantity of goods according to the requests from the end purchasers;
- timely procurement, storage and delivery of materials for producers in the Russian Federation according to their works processes and production plans.

We offer goods consolidation in our Hamburg stores.
- receipt of freight in the consolidation stores;
- issue of freight from the stores;
- reloading of goods “from lorry to lorry” without interim storage (using forklifts);
- manual reloading, sealing and repackaging of unpalleted goods;
- storage (also dangerous goods).

Services of our customs department:
- customs clearance consulting (verbal and written);
- consulting in customs law, practical customs clearance and foreign trade;
- pre-calculation and optimisation of customs fees;
- goods classification for customs purposes according to the goods nomenclature for foreign trade;
- control of accompanying papers, taking into account the customs clearance requirements;
- consulting with regard to features of goods customs clearance, measures for non-tariff regulations, currency checks;
- collation, preparation and authorisation of customs clearance;
- preparation of the draft customs declaration in IT programs ALTA and TAMDEK;
- support when registering companies as participants in foreign trade with Russian customs authorities;
- confirmation of the export of goods from the Russian customs area to the Russian customs offices;
- consultation regarding responsibility for breaching customs clearance regulations;
- legal assessment of the situation of a foreign trade participant, drafting letters to the Russian customs authorities.

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