Latvijas Dzelzcelsh is the state joint stock company "Latvian Railway". help
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Latvijas Dzelzcelsh

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Latvijas Dzelzcelsh
Phone:       +(371) 7234940
Fax:            +(371) 7820231
Address:Gogola st. 3
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Services of Freight Transportation Department

1. freight car or container traffic tracing - the information about operations with the freight car, which are indicated in the application submitted, is given to the customer.
The information about the dislocation of freight cars is received from Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Byelorussian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Kazakh, Uzbek, Kirghiz, and Russian (except Far East and Zabaikalje) railways.
Tracing results are offered to customers twice a day using electronic mail InterNet or the telephone. Customers receives the following information about every car:
- train index;
- the station where the last operation with the train was carried out;
- dislocation railway;
- the date and time of the operation;
- the type of operation;
- freight weight;
- freight code;
- freight receiver’s code;
- freight car terminal station.

2. Continuous tracing of the group of cars (personal or rented)
The customer receives the information five times a day about the operations, which were carried out with private freight cars on Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian railways. The registration of the controlled cars can be edited every month.

3. Information about Freight Receiver’s Availability of Freight Cars (system VCOS).

4. VIS/SMS - Access to Data Base of Freight Car Dislocation Tracing over the Mobile Phone.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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