Czech Republic
L.C. Sokotrans a.s. - the share company - was established in 1992, occupied in international transport of liquid substances and transport of fuel including forwarding business connected tightly with such transports. help
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L.C. Sokotrans

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Czech Republic
L.C. Sokotrans
Phone:       +420 - 352 - 622 893
Fax:            +420 - 352 - 614 777
Address:Tovarni 610, 356 01
Web Site    

The company's range of services includes:

- transportation services;

- intermodal transport;

- freight forwarding;
a) international road-tank transport of liquid products;
b) intermodal transport by tank-containers incl. trucking;
c) trailor road transport;
d) international bulk transport of powder materials;
e) international road transport of powder materials by tippers;
f) international road transport by izotermic and freeze vehicles.

- tyre centrum;

- cleaning of tanks.

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