The Kleysen Group of Companies, based in Winnipeg, Manitoba offer the bulk, deck, intermodal, multi-commodity distribution and fleet-services in Canada and the United States. help
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Kleysen Group

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Kleysen Group
Address:Winnipeg , Manitoba
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We offer the integrated transportation services such as:
- intermodal express;
We use local and highway truckload transport combined with rail for the long-distance movement of goods. It is an innovative freight service for dry and heated, full-container loads moving domestically or between Canada and the continental United States. In addition we can provide complete drayage services for 20', 40', 48' and 53' containers.
- deck transportation;
We operate point-to-point across Canada and the U.S.A, to carry large loads such as construction and agricultural machinery, pipe, building and bulk packaged materials. We have the moving standard and over-dimensional loads, including industrial, construction and agricultural machinery, pipe and building materials, packaged bulk goods and many other deck-compatible commodities.
- bulk transportation carries, handles and stores bulk construction, mining and agricultural materials;
We specialize in "source to destination" solutions for the transportation, handling and storage of products such as flyash, cement, ore concentrates and a wide variety of other bulk products. Optimized solutions can involve the smooth transition of product between multiple modes of transportation, including truck, rail and cargo ship.
- multi-commodity transload, storage & distribution:
We provide the transload capacity from truck-to-rail and rail-to-truck, combined with warehousing and inventory management. We also provide state-of-the-art transfer, warehousing, storage, inventory management and distribution services for products such as lumber, structural steel, aluminum coils and extrusions, as well as construction and agricultural equipment, oilfield supplies and equipment, pipe, grain, fertilizers and other bulk products.
- fleet repair & maintenance;
We deliver the maintenance programs as well as industrial design, fabrication and manufacturing services. Our facilities represent more than 72,000 square feet of service area. We provide for a fleet's entire tractor and trailer maintenance needs - everything from the preventative-maintenance programs to major repairs, major rebuilds and complete paint and body work.
- industrial products & commodities: include manufacturing, re-manufacturing and merchandizing of road salt and other products.

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