Rosvneshtrans Company offers the whole range of services to the import and export clients regarding the implementation of the external commercial contracts. help
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JSC Rosvneshtrans

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JSC Rosvneshtrans
Phone:       +7 (495) 510-67-87
Fax:            +7 (495) 510-67-86
Address:Molodogvardeyskaya 58
Web Site    

Our general transportations services include:
1. The Quotation of rates:
- The Russian Federation railway, Ukraine;
- The CIS - during;
- The Third countries (railway and the sea) - during;
- Ports (stevedore works) - during;
2. The Organization of transportations:
- the conclusion of contracts on import, export, transit and internal cargoes;
- the control of registration of plans for transportation of cargoes;
- registration of transportation documents;
- maintenance with the own and rented rolling stock;
- release of telegrams confirming payment;
- operative work with the client on conducting transportation;
- verification of calculations and volumes;
3. Tracking cargoes and a disposition of cars (territory of Russia, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Byelorussia, Moldova, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Finland).

We also provide container transportations

Logistical Service
The company offers the following services:
- delivery of cargoes on railway in the in-Russian message various types of a rolling stock (the containers covered with cars, tanks, refrigerator);
- submission mobile railway transport on a warehouse of the client or the organization of delivery of his cargo directly to a place of loading onrailway transport;
- maintenance of protection of a cargo and a guarantee before the client (insurance policy "Ingostrah" for the sum of a covering of 800 000 US dollars);
- the organization of daily tracking a site of a cargo along the line;
- reception of a cargo at station of purpose and delivery up to a warehouse;
- the international and in-Russian automobile transportations;
- any type and the size of a rolling stock (covered, isothermal, refrigerator), from the automobile such as "Gazelle" up to 82 m 3 "Eurowaggons" carrying capacity 20 t;
- center in Moscow and regions;
- ring routes with use of the automobile under several clients that gives essential economy at cost of transportation;
- the organization of responsible(crucial) storage of cargoes in the own and rented warehouse;
- the control of storage of cargoes according to working life, planning of a place and optimum rotation of cargoes in a warehouse, performance of criterion FIFO;
- the computer account, the daily report on movement of the goods through a warehouse;
- planning and synchronization of diagrams of loading / unloading of motor transport;
- selection and packing of orders.

Consulting Services
- development and the coordination of the optimal logistical circuit of transportations;
- consultation of clients on all questions of the organization of freight traffic, including calculation of rates, granting of the information on additional payments (customs, ecological and other gathering) etc.

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