Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, owning a powerful fleet and an efficient network in providing various combined services, possesses a remarkable global market share, and feels responsible to meet its customers' expectation in a deserving manner. help
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Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines

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Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines
Phone:       (+98) 21 22813902-3
Fax:            (+98) 21 22813900
Address:No.37, Aseman Tower, Sayyade Shirazee Sq, Pasdara
Web Site    

Bulk cargoes transport services
IRISL through ownership of its 45 bulk carriers from Panamax to Handy size with capacity of 2.2 million DWT is able to carry all kind of dry cargoes from grain, clean cargoes to iron ore, coal and other dirty consignments internationally.

Break-bulk and general cargoes transport services
Far East and South East Asia liner services. 17 oceangoing vessels of modern general cargo and multipurpose cargo ships with a capacity of 300 thousand DWT carry various general cargoes such as machinery, equipment, pipe, timber and steel products from East and South Asia to the Middle East and Persian Gulf ports.

Container liner services
Far East and Europe weekly services. 9 container vessels each with a carrying capacity of 3300, 2400 & 2700 TEU and a total of 19683 TEU, with a regular weekly sailing provide appropriate facilities and services to the cargo owners from Persian Gulf (Bandar Abbas & Dubai) to the main ports of East & South East Asia such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Pusan, Inchon, Kaohsiung, Kelang. This full container service is also supported by a dedicated feeder network for intro-Asia operations.

Other services
- transportation of import and export goods to/from Persian Gulf Region;
- international transportation/cross trading between different countries;
- transshipment of transit commodities to/from CIS countries;
- transportation of heavy lift cargoes;
- door to door services for customers through combined transportation - chartering;
- feedering.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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