South Africa
In March 1995 we commenced our NVOCC operations and have grown steadily since establishing our first trade route from Italy. Our neutral NVOCC services now include, North West Continent, United Kingdom, Pacific Rim Australia and the Far East. help
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International Liner Agencies

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South Africa
International Liner Agencies
Phone:       011 450 4488
Fax:            011 455 6160
Address:3rd Floor Helvitia House Greenvale Road Wilbart
Web Site    

International Liner Agencies offers a complete NVOCC and liner service, which include the following:
- nationwide coverage for both imports and exports - offices in Durban, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth;
- sales activity dedicated to route development through regular international visits;
- trade route specialisation - focused attention on developing routes;
- freight receipt and documentation management;
- claims processing;
- on forwarding to other Southern African countries and transshipments to Indian Ocean destinations;
- multi destination containers within South Africa.

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