Interagent was founded in Ilychevsk in 1992. Presently it is modern shipping agency equipped with all necessary communications and transport facilities and employing a highly educated stuff experienced in shipping and liner container business. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Interagent Ltd.

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Interagent Ltd.
Phone:       (380 482) 69-35-20
Fax:            (380 4868) 6-02-14
Address:str. Korabelnaya 1
Web Site    

Present Interagent activity cover:
- port agency at commercial ports: Odessa, Ilychevsk,Yuzhny,Sevastopol, Kherson;
- container liner agency operating at port of Ilychevsk and Odessa;
- chartering and cargo brokerage;
- freight forwarding;
- cargo handling arrangements;
- technical supply and bunkering;
- railway forwarding services in CIS;
- customs brokerage.

Interagent Liner Agency is pleased to offer services on the transportations of the goods in containers from any place in CIS countries to:
- Black Sea;
- Mediterranean basin;
- USA;
- Canada;
- Mexico;
- North, Central & South America;
- North Europe & Scandinavia;
- South East Asia;
- West Africa & South Africa;
- Australia;
- New Zealand & Pacific Islands.
and back.
We have been working in the container transportations market for more than 7 years, and render complex transport services, which include:
- delivering goods from door to door, stuffed either in customer's or in line containers;
- stuffing (and unstuffing) of containers with the customers goods;
- arranging the storage of containers at the container terminal;
- arranging of loading/discharge of the containers on/from our vessels at the ports of Odessa and Ilyichevsk;
- freight forwarding of the goods;
- tracing of the containers and reporting to the customer in time about the containers position.

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