Instant Link is the transportation company with the head office of Instant Link is based at the industrial estate in Rafelbunyol in Valencia. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Instant Link UK Ltd

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Instant Link UK Ltd
Phone:       +34 639 11 33 18
Address:c/ Germanells s/n Poligono Industrial
Valencia , Rafelbunyol
CT19 4RH
Web Site    

Transport services:
- immediate attention;
- direct services - from the moment of loading our vehicles head for their destination only stopping to carry out the legally required breaks. As we use bullet vans and express vehicles we can offer a shorter transit time for your goods;
- exclusive vehicles - we offer this service to our customers so that they know that their goods aren't traveling with anybody else's as would happen on a groupage vehicle;
- guaranteed delivery - if we don't deliver at the agreed time we will compensate you economically. At any time you can find out where your merchandise is at your own convenience.We will also inform you of delivery and collection times within minutes of happening;
- specialized load requirements - we will offer an adequate vehicle depending on your transport needs and the type of load you wish to send. We can also offer refrigerated vehicles, which can transport chilled and frozen goods.

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