
IMI Transport Services Inc. |
Phone: 0216 326 42 00 Fax: 0216 326 88 27 |
Web Site
Today IMI, being a general agent of container liner and dry cargo vessels, is the business associate of those companies that can be reckoned among the biggest shipowners in the world. It is also rendering full services in the sector, all over the world, as part of an international network, IFLN.
Transport services:
- ocean freight;
- air freight;
- exhibition services;
Shipping services:
- containering agency;
- chartering and ship management.
IMI Agro & Food Projects Inc. renders the following services:
- market - and feasibility research;
- project development;
- project management and – implementation;
- company representation and agency;
- marketing;
- match-making;
- training and curriculum development;
- cattle breeding and fattening.
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