United Kingdom
IBL was formed in 1947 to operate a bulk liquids storage facility from a riverside location on the east coast of England in the Yorkshire city of Kingston-Upon-Hull. help
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United Kingdom
Phone:       01482 320736
Fax:            01482 226162
Address:Lime Street
Web Site    

IBL Cold Stores provides temperature controlled storage and distribution services, primarily to the food industry. It’s operations are based on a four-acre site at Knowsley on the outskirts of Liverpool. We offer the full range of public warehouse keeping services:
- temperature controlled storage;
- ambient storage;
- road transport and distribution;
- pallet inversion and order picking;
- packing, labeling and inspection;
- forwarding;
- ancillary services.

IBL Bulk Liquids provides services and facilities for the handling and storage of bulk liquids.
Its operations are based in the city of Hull and are located at two sites on the River Hull and one situated in the Port of Hull. The total site area occupied is some eight acres. Hull is well located for north European import and export shipping and continental deep-sea transhipment ports and has excellent connections to the UK road and rail networks.
The full range of public bulk liquids storage and ancillary services:
- handling ex. road tanker and sea going vessels;
- heated and ambient storage;
- blending and mixing;
- drumming from storage tank and road tanker;
- road tanker steam cleaning;
- canning and packing;
- public weighbridge.

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