
The Houssami International Transport & Clearance Services |
Contact: Wassim Housami Phone: 00963112127050 Fax: 00963112127084
Address: | Housami International Transport & Clearance
Free Damascus | |
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Regardless of where in the world your shipment is headed to or from The HIT&C offers a variety of customs and transport solutions to meet all you needs.
Success in today’s high-speed global marketplace requires an ability to be creative, flexible and prompt when meeting the needs of our customers. That’s why at HIT&C global logistic solutions are specifically customized to your individual shipping requirements.
The HIT&C offers everything importers and exporters need to efficiently move their products from origin to destination, including customs brokerage; international freight forwarding; air, ocean, and ground transportation; warehousing and distribution; customs consulting; and much more.
Whether you’re shipping throughout in the Middle East, or around the world, HIT&C works with you every step of the way – not only to eliminate potential roadblocks but also to deliver the reliability and positive results that help you stay competitive.
Please see our Customs Brokerage, Consulting, Freight Forwarding & Logistics pages for additional information on our various services.
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