Hermes Groups is a holding of companies with twenty years of experience in international trade operations and logistics. help
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Hermes Group

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Hermes Group
Phone:       +591 (2) 2312910
Fax:            +591 (2) 2110837
Address:Av. 16 de Julio No 1800 Ed. Cosmos, 11th Floor
La Paz
Web Site    

Our main services are:
- export:
a) merchandise delivery in accordance final destination;
b) "door to door" services;
c) customs formalities and other procedures in governmental offices in destination;
d) international freight negotiation, according to the particular necessities of the client (maritime, air or inland);
e) insurance contract (with express order of the client);
f) export customs formalities;
g) packing / conditioning, if necessary;
h) from reception of the exporter's goods;
- import:
a) cargo pick up in the conventional place according to client's instructions;
b) merchandise purchase (in U;S;A;) according to indications of the client; The client has the possibility that we carry with all the expenses, avoiding costs in international transfers;
c) re-packing / conditioning, if necessary;
d) customs origin formalities;
e) insurance contract (with express order of the client);
f) international freight negotiation, according to the particular necessities of the client (maritime, air or inland);
g) customs formalities and other process in governmental offices in destination;
h) merchandise delivery in accordance final destination;
i) "door to door" services;
- logistics and projects:
a) study of bundles with weights and exceptional measures, of the transport mode;
b) industrial plants transport;
c) evaluation of many alternatives for the merchandise shipment, from the exporter's deposits in origin, until the delivery in final destination;
d) unitization and consolidation of the merchandise, in containers;
e) forward and retreat of the containers;
f) emission of the commercial shipment and transport documents (shipment declaration, bill of lading, air waybill, etc;);
g) maritime freight negotiation;
h) insurance contract;
i) customs formalities and other process in origin and destination, through our customs agents;
j) merchandise delivery in final destination, under conditions agreed by the client;
- international trade assistance:
a) advice for our clients in customs issues, international transport and customs international laws;
b) obtaining of licenses, certificates and import permissions;
c) procedure of import tariffs franchise;
d) feasibility studies in customs issues;
e) transport mode studies.

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