United Kingdom
Grange Shipping is an independent shipping, freight forwarding, NVOCC and ERTS organization based at Felixstowe. Seafast is a division of the company and a specialist provider for project work and more 'difficult cargoes' and areas. help
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Grange Shipping Limited

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United Kingdom
Grange Shipping Limited
Phone:       +44 (0)1394 605200
Fax:            +44(0)1394 458565
Address:1 Garrison Lane
Felixstowe , Suffolk
IP11 7SH
Web Site    

Ships Agency is attended on a country-wide basis. Our project cargo works covers hazardous goods including explosives, boats, cranes and planes, as well as the more bizarre - such as 2 white rhino's delivered alive and very much kicking!.

The company holds a UK home office section 5 licence for the legal handling of certain kinds or arms and ammunition and is a member of the Explosives Industries Group of the CBI.

For customs clearance we have direct computer links with Felixstowe, Tilbury, Thamesport, Southampton and Liverpool. We are closely involved with Port Health and HM Customs issues including the New Export System (NES), CAP entries and the National Computerised Transit System (NCTS).

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