
Frisaye & Greg transports s.a. |
Phone: +32 (0)4 330.33.33 Fax: +32 (0)4 330.33.34
Address: | Parc Industrielle d'Ivoz-Ramet Flemalle 4400 | |
Web Site
The Greg Frisaye company specialises in the day and night transport of steel between factories.
Our site has 33.000 square metres and is divided into:
- 600 square metres for the office;
- 1000 square metres for the workshop;
- 5000 square metres for storage;
- 26000 square metres for parking.
The vehicles:
- 110 trucks (Scania 380, Daf XF, Renault Premium and Magnum);
- 120 half-covered (Savoyardes [tilt-type semi-trailer], Tautliner, flat or with a channel for reels) up to 82 cubic metres;
- 25 flat bed trailers (with and without channel);
- 5 skips (including one with a channel);
- 2 low trailers (exceptional transport);
- 2 semi-extendables;
- 5 10-ton trucks (with and without tailgate);
- 3 10-ton trucks for skips;
- 5 van.
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