United States
FAC Food Service Logistics is a non asset-based logistics organization specializes in the safe and efficient transportation of time-sensitive freight throughout the 48 contiguous United States. help
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FAC Food Service Logistics

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United States
FAC Food Service Logistics
Phone:       (800) 285-7004
Fax:            (252) 450-4894
Address:1951 Centura Highway Post Office Box 6097
Rocky Mount , North Carolina
Web Site    

We specialize in:
- safe and efficient transportation of time-sensitive freight throughout the 48 contiguous United States;
We identifie each customer's specific transportation needs and matches those needs with the possible solutions, then far exceeds expectations through our service that enhances business and reduces time and costs.

- myriad services;
We offer pool truck capabilities and multi-shipment consolidations geared to reduce cost. Through the use of software optimization, we have shipment tracing and satellite tracking availability 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

- dedicated fleet operations;
We keep all billing and claims management practices in-house to have complete control and better visibility on these dedicated services rather than outsourcing these vital roles.

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