
Exim Broker Transport |
Phone: 52 33 36163300 Fax: 52 33 31240500
Address: | Av. Vallarta 2769 Desp. 103 Col. Arcos Vallarta Guadalajara 44130 | |
Web Site
Air services include:
- outbound consolidation;
- inbound deconsolidation;
- cargo collect service;
- full documentation of import and export shipments;
- door-to-door, airport-to-airport service;
- priority clearance arrangement with cargo terminal;
- full shipment tracking;
- distribution;
- logistics service;
- parcel service;
- merchandise insurance;
- prepaid and COD freight and services options;
We also provide sea services:
- outbound consolidation /groupage, LCL, FCL;
- inbound deconsolidation, container stripping;
- break bulk cargo;
- door-to-door service;
- charter projects;
- distributions and logistics projects;
- prepaid and COD freight and services options;
- parcel service;
- merchandise insurance;
- full documentation of import and export shipments.
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