Specializing in local couriers and taxi truck services Executive Transport can provide warehousing and distribution for all manner of goods. Located in Kewdale, WA, The company provides quality assurance with your goods from pick-up to delivery. help
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Executive Transport

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Executive Transport
Phone:       (08) 9353 4533
Fax:            (08) 9353 4499
Address:24 Miles Rd
Perth , Western Australia
Web Site    

Our courier services include:
- on-demand couriers;
- hourly hire;
- permanent runs;
- VIP service;
- country hot shots;
- from 1 to 1,000 kilograms in a van or one tonne flat top;
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Our taxi trucks:
- 3, 5 and 8 tonne vehicles;
- semi trailers;
- taut liner enclosed vehicles;
- power tail lifts;
- full gates and tarps;
- vehicles licensed for bulk dangerous goods.

Interstate freight services
With close associates and alliances on the East Coast, Executive Transport receives and distributes freight for a number of national logistics companies. From air satchels to pallets the experienced staff of IFD deconsolidate and distribute goods throughout Western Australia.

Warehousing and distribution services:
- wharf cartage;
- container uploading;
- storage and racking;
- pick and pack order assembly;
- specified packaging;
- completely computerised inventory and stock control;
- internal and external storage;
- fully monitored security with video surveillance;
- quarantine approved premises.

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