Headquartered in Moscow, Russia ETLogitsic provides its services in the field of logistics and international transportations of different cargoes. help
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Phone:       +7 (495) 775-87-68
Fax:            +7 (495) 788-73-50
Address:office 501, building A, 5, Flotskaya Str.
Web Site    

Our company offers the following transportation services:
- airfreight shipments;
- consolidated shipments;
- road freight;
- sea container traffic;
- additional service - custom services, insurance and certification.

Airfreight shipments services:
- airfreight transportations if the inward cargoes from any airport of the world;
- custom clearance in "Sheremetyevo-Cargo";
- optimal freight shares for the regular flights;
- insurance;
- pick-up service;
- delivery from airport to the warehouse of client in Moscow;
- taking into account the demands of the clients;
- special (privileged) conditions for the regular clients.

We have the following warehouses in Europe:
- Germany (D-22113 Oststeinbek);
- Italy (I-21012 Cassano Magnano);
- Latvia (44405 Kaunas).

Consolidated shipments services:
- pick-up towards the consolidating warehouse (depend on the terms of delivery incoterms);
- international transportation (82 m3, 120 m3, refrigerator 86 m3);
- custom clearance;
- insurance ("Ingosstrakh");
- certification, licensing (according to the demands of the custom author).

The company have got the opportunity to carry out the following road transportations:
- transportation out-of-gage and out-of-length cargoes;
- transportation of dangerous cargoes;
- transportations of the cargoes with the special temperature conditions.

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