United Kingdom
Elite Shipping is a small, motivated team made up of experienced professionals based in the historic market town of Chesterfield in England. The company was formed in 1985 and specialises in providing international shipping and air freight services. help
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Elite Shipping Ltd.

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United Kingdom
Elite Shipping Ltd.
Phone:       00 44 (0) 1246 45123
Fax:            00 44 (0) 1246 45187
Address:Clarence Ind Est Thompson St
Chesterfield , Derbyshire
S41 9AR
Web Site    

Our range of services includes:
- overseas removals;
- freight forwarding;
- import and export;
- antiques shipping;
- car shipping UK;
- China & India importation service;
- motorcycle shipping UK.

Elite Shipping offer a comprehensive freight forwarding service by sea or air and for export or import. This includes a full documentary service arranging Consular documents, Marine Insurance, Letters of Credit analysis and other Banking requirements and other such paperwork wherever necessary.
We offer a daily collection service and transportation for flights by all major airlines worldwide.
We take care of abnormal or heavy loads by conventional vessel to worldwide destinations.
We will organise full or part container loads to Asia, Africa, the Americas and anywhere else in the world, on your behalf.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



Customer's Reviews:


They work great, low fees. You can use them.

Sy kerry

Excellent service at a good price. I had no problems with my shipment to Melbourne.

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