ELITE CARGO CLUB, with its domestic partners and world wide agents network renders services related to international transport of goods to / from Serbia and Montenegro. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Eliite Travel Club & Elite Cargo Club

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Eliite Travel Club & Elite Cargo Club
Phone:       (++381 11 )188 804
Address:ulica Kralja Petra 8
Web Site    

We offer our clients such services as:
- packaging collecting / delivering of shipments from / to premises of shipper / consignee;
- freight incurrence;
- warehousing in bonded and non-bonded facilities;
- handling of cargo at domestic and foreign airports, ports, railway and tuck terminals;
- documentation service- obtaining of import export related documents (licenses, certificates of origin etc);
- import and/or export customs clearance;
- importing agent into Serbia & Montenegro, in the name and on behalf of consignees not registered for performing foreign trade operations;
- consolidation of cargo for air, container, and truck shipments;
- maritime transport of full and LCL containers;
- combined maritime/ rail- road FCL and LCL containers to and from Belgrade;
- road transport ( full truck loads and gropage);
- a full "door to door" service in exports and imports in the full meaning of this phrase.

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