Diakinisis S.A. is the oldest company in Greece to offer integrated logistics services of the high standard, serving not only multinational clients but also Greek firms. help
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Diakinisis S.A.

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Diakinisis S.A.
Phone:       (+30) - 210 - 55 38
Fax:            (+30) - 210 - 55 70
Address:Papaflessa Str., Thesi Laka Hadgi
193 00
Web Site    

In short, the range of services we cater for our clients is presented below:
- collection of goods as per clients' request from customs, airport, production site etc.;
- transportation of goods to our premises;
- unloading of goods to our warehouses, quantitative and qualitative - external macroscopic - inspection;
- warehousing of goods, classification and monitoring of these per item - per SKU - per lot/batch number (traceability) - per expiry date (best before);
- dry warehousing (ambient) as well as at controlled temperature and humidity.
- warehouse management via WMS system of cordless R/F communication (radio frequency) optimizing the utilization of available space, minimizing the flow/handling of goods, and avoiding the human error;
- receipt of our clients' daily orders through on-line electronic communication with our clients;
- administration, preparation and collection (picking) of our clients' daily orders within our specialized picking areas/picking tunnels;
- routing of clients' orders via auto routing optimization software systems;
- checking of ready (picked) orders and loading of these on distribution vehicles;
- communication-confirmation to our clients regarding the execution of their orders through our on-line electronic communication.
- computerized printing of vehicle accompanying - fiscal - documentation (delivery notes "on behalf" of our clients, invoices);
- distribution and delivery of goods to the final recipients;
- re-collection of obsolete goods - handling of quarantine items – destructions;
- handling of returns (reverse logistics);
- handling of empty wooden pallets (administrative monitoring, re-collection and warehousing);
- collection of CODs (cash-on-delivery) on behalf of our clients;
- special co-packing, re-packaging, promotional packaging, labeling etc. in our Promotional Packaging Dept., fully equipped with contemporary mechanical hardware and certified by ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 9002;
- full IT support of the entire spectrum of company operations;
- monitoring and support of all stages of the flow of goods from their receipt to our premises till their delivery to the final recipients through our Customer Service Dept.;
- collection, statistical analysis of data and issuance of management information (reporting) and value-adding results to our clients, such as P/L per product/group through activity Based Costing (ABC), trend analysis, cost/benefit studies etc.;
- monitoring of performance indices (ΚPI's), order lead times, productivity, quality, minimization of returns, aiming for continuous improvement and supply chain efficiency.

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