United States

Dealers Choice Auto Transport |
Contact: Steven Xavier Phone: 561 686 5225 |
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Dealers choice offers international shipping serivces. We make the relocating of your vehicle to another country a smooth transition. You will get the best prices and quality service you deserve. Our service includes picking up your car from your home and transporting it to an awaiting cargo ship, that will then deliver your car to a port nearest to your destination. We can also arrange door-to-door service.
Auto transport for Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, Porsche, Bentley, Rolls Royce, VW, Acura, Lexus, Infiniti, Honda, Toyota, Ferrari. We work for dealerships and snowbirds.
Company rating:
Customer's Reviews:
Brian Tables
This company is the most reliable in the business. They picked up my car on time and delivered a day earlier than I expected. I will use them again in the near future. Take it from someone that moves their car 4 times a year. They are the best.
bentley tammersole
Awesome driver. The guy washed my car before he delivered it because it was to dirty for him.