DCA Consultants is a specialist in the movement of freight to Nigeria. We move in the region of 100 tones a week utilizing the capacity of airlines such as DHL, Virgin, DAS Air and Hydro Air. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

DCA Consultants

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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DCA Consultants
Phone:       +234 1 4733767
Fax:            +234 1 4522936
Address:2/4 Gogo Hassan Avenue
Ikeja , Lagos
Web Site    

Our services:
- daily scheduled airfreight service to lagos with major carriers;
- airfreight charters in association with Danzas available on request;
- direct flights twice a week to Port Harcourt;
- European and domestic collections arranged;
- professional packing of hazardous and non hazardous materials;
- trans-shipment traffic can be handled from anywhere in the world via London;
- charges collect available in nigeria based on rate of exchange of the day;
- to door rates available throughout Nigeria;
- Lagos based agent to facilitate payment collection locally;
- full UK customs entry NES (New Export System) procedures adhered to;
- automated proof of delivery;
- 40,000 sq ft bonded warehouse;
- seafreight quote available on request.

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