After more than 30 years, the company has extensive experience within the transporting sector. The head office is located in Herlufmagle. help
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Dansk Specialtransport v/Rørby Johansen A/S

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Dansk Specialtransport v/Rørby Johansen A/S
Phone:       +45 55 50 6070
Fax:            +45 55 50 1214
Address:Handverkervej 1
Web Site    

Special and heavy goods
Dansk Specialtransport has specialized in transporting everything everywhere. We have transported goods from Kiruna and Vasa in the north, to Gibraltar and Sicily in the south. From Bialystok and Constanta in the east, to Lisbon and Newcastle in the west.
The department is well-known for its many special transports, which are performed with advanced special trailers and heavy lift trailers for particularly high, long, wide and heavy goods. The vehicles can be built up to meet the requirements of each transport.

Combined road, rail, air and sea transport. Among other services, we can offer the following:
- planning;
- responsibility for crane for loading from a special vehicle into a chartered ship/barge;
- onward sea transport;
- the same in reverse order at the port of arrival;
- onward transport to the recipient, where it may also be necessary to use a crane for unloading and handling to the foundation.

Heavy lift trailers
The department operates with different types of heavylift trailers, among others:
Goldhofer, which can be combined into all possible combinations like building blocks from 2 to 6 axles, boiler bridges, transformer bridges, etc.
Broshuis, which operates in permanent combinations in units from 2 to 8 axles.

All heavy lift trailers can be controlled manually or automatically to allow an easy and smooth transport. The two types together produce very high flexibility.

Transport consultancy
We offer transport consultancy (free of charge), which may be provided at the same time as your quotation is made.

Goods hotel
3,000 m2 insulated building approved for duty-free storage of goods.
2 50-tonne travelling cranes and
1 10-tonne travelling crane, which can load and unload units of up to 100 tonnes with special lifting yokes.
When handling goods heavier than 100 tonnes, we use the hydraulics of heavy lift trailers, which offers unlimited possibilities.

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