South Africa
Cross Country Containers (Pty) Ltd. specializes in the provision of inland transport and logistical services to the freight industry in Southern Africa. Our clients include shipping lines, clearing and forwarding agents, importers and exporters. help
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Cross Country Containers (Pty) Ltd

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South Africa
Cross Country Containers (Pty) Ltd
Contact:    Call Centre
Phone:       +27 860 277 210
Fax:            +27 31 202 5709
Address:PostNet Suite 248 Private Bag X04 Dalbridge
Web Site    

Our services include:

- Rail services:
· Full container movements
· Empty container movements

- Cross country cartage:
· Cross Country Containers operates its own cartage divisions at all the major trading centers consisting of trailer fleets and workforces of owner drivers.
· Communications – All drivers are equipped with either cell phones or two-way radios.
· Satellite Tracking - To counteract the problem of cargo theft through hijacking, the majority of our vehicles are fitted with satellite tracking systems and we are in the process of extending this to our entire fleet.

- Overborder road transport:
Cross Country Containers has its own fleet of 54 trucks, based in Harare, to transport containers between South Africa and Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia.

- Road transport within South Africa:
We provide a road transport service to all parts of South Africa, using preferred and reputable road hauliers.

- Container management and reporting:
Using the movement management module of our operating system, Cross Country Containers engages in a step-by-step management of all containers moved through the transport chain, ensuring that client’s expectations are met.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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