United States
Initially specializing in the forwarding of agricultural products, project cargo, and more recently in high-value goods, Cosdel International is full service company in the international transportation arena. help
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Cosdel International Transportation

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United States
Cosdel International Transportation
Phone:       415. 777. 2000
Fax:            415. 543. 5112
Address:55 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco , California
Web Site    

Export - F.M.C. & I.A.T.A. licensed
- individual account supervision;
- rate analysis and negotiations;
- ocean and air consolidations;
- carrier selection and booking;
- all risk and total loss insurance;
- completion of all export shipping documents;
- certificates of origin;
- consular certification.
Import - C.H.B. licensed
- classification of imported goods;
- complete U.S. customs clearances;
- T.I.B. (temporary importation bond) entries;
- on-forwarding to inland destinations;
- customs bonds;
- government agencies compliance services;
- automobile clearances.
- sight drafts;
- letters of credit;
- payment terms consultation.
Additional services:
- packing, crating and palletizing;
- containerization and warehousing;
- pick-up and delivery service;
- automobile DOT & EPA compliance;
- ATA carnets;
- notary public;
- performing arts tours.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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