Since 1997, COSCO Pacific has been providing services to international customers. COSCO Pacific, which keeps expanding its market share in the container leasing industry, now has 218 customers worldwide. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

COSCO Pacific Ltd.

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COSCO Pacific Ltd.
Phone:       (852) 2809 8188
Fax:            (852) 2907 6088
Address:49th Floor, COSCO Tower 183 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong
Web Site    

Satisfactory results were accomplished by COSCO Logistics in the area of third party logistics in 2004, as the company carried its exploration of various target logistics markets to further depth while effectively consolidating achievements secured in the past two years. In November 2004, COSCO Logistics ranked first in the "Top 100 PRC Logistics Companies" selected by eight industry associations including China Communications and Transportation Association and China Railway Society. In December 2004, COSCO Logistics topped the list again in the "Twenty Most Competitive Logistics Companies in 2004" selected by China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.

We provide:
- container leasing;
- container terminals and related businesses;
- container manufacturing.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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