
Connect Logistics Services |
Phone: (780) 458-4492 |
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Liquor Distribution Services
Connect Logistics Services provides complete liquor warehousing and distribution services to liquor suppliers and agents. As a distribution agent of the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission, Connect Logistics Services handles all spirits, wines, liqueurs, coolers and import beer products destined for distribution in Alberta.
Connect Logistics Services provides third-party fulfillment warehousing. Although the company is not a wholesaler in the traditional sense, it provides a comparable level of liquor distribution within the distribution framework approved by the Alberta Government.
The company’s 430,000 square foot warehouse accepts spirits, wine, coolers, and imported beer for distribution.
Once product is received, Connect Logistics Services processes orders from all liquor retail outlets and licensed establishments in the Province of Alberta.
Value Added Services
Connect Logistics Services provides Liquor Suppliers and Agents with a full range of optional value-added order fulfillment services, including:
- bar coding;
- strip labeling;
- assembling gift packs;
- product on-packing or co-packing;
- product allocation;
- flyer distribution.
Company rating:
Customer's Reviews:
stampede liquor company calgary
Company management poorly equipped to handle large warehosing contracts