Combi Line International Spa is an independent seafreight consolidator, established on the heritage of 27 years of activity. help
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Combi Line International Spa

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Careful services from international shipping companies from all over the world offered. Just specify your interested destination and find local shipping company for the most convenient shipping and moving worldwide.

Combi Line International Spa
Address:Cia Cassanese 224 - 20090 Segrate
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Our main import services:
- U.S.A.: weekly services from New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston.
- South East Asia: services every week from Singapore, Port Kelang and Bangkok. Providing also services from Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Western India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand.
- Indina Sub-continent: weekly services from Colombo, Mumbai, Chennai, Tuticorin, New Delhi.
- Midlle East: fortnightly services from Dubai. Also providing services from Sharjah, Doha, Port Sulatn Qaboos, Kuwait, Bahrein.
- Tunesia: service every two weeks from Tunis.
- Brazil: services every week from the ports of Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Vitoria, Itajaì.
- Argentina: service every two weeks from the port of Buenos Aires.
- Mexico: service every two weeks from Veracruz. Also providing service from Mexico City, Puebla, Leon, Guadalajara, Monterrey.
- Australia: service every two weeks from Sydney directly to La Spezia and Milano, also providing service from Brisbane and Adelaide. Transit time Sydney/La Spezia 28 days
- Hong Kong: service every week. Also providing service from Shentzen, Guangzhou. Transit time 24 days.
- China: services every week from the ports of Xingang/Tianjin, Shanghai, Xiamen, Dalian, Ningbo, Chiwan, Qingdao.
- Chile: services every two weeks via North Europe from San Antonio and Callao.
- Peru: services every two weeks via North Europe from San Antonio and Callao.

Our main export services:
- Canada: weekly service to Montreal and Toronto, with onforwardings to Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary.
- U.S.A.: weekly service to New York with onforwardings to Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Charleston, Atlanta, Savannah, Houston, New Orleans. Fortnightly service to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with connections to San Diego, Seattle and Portland. Weekly service to Miami, with onforwardings to Orlando, Tampa ad various destsinations in the Caribbean and Central America.
- Mexico: service every ten days to Veracruz and Altamira, with onforwardings to Mexico City, Guadalajara, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Monterrey.
- Brazil: weekly service to Rio de Janeiro and Santos and fortnightly toRio Grande do Sul, Paranagua and Vitoria. Transit time to Rio de Janeiro 14 days, Santos 16 days, Rio Grande 19 days, Paranagua 21 days and Vitoria 24 days.
- Uruguay: weekly serevice to Montevideo, with onforwardings to Asuncion (Paraguay). Transit time to Montevideo 18 days and to Asuncion 28 days.
- Argentina: weekly service directly to Buenos Aires. With onforwardings to Mendoza, Rosario and Cordoba.
- Colombia: fortnightly service to Cartagena, with onforwardings to Bogota, Cali, Medellin and destinations in the Caribbean and Central America.
- Venezuela: fortnightly service from Milano via Genoa directly to La Guaira, with onforwarding to Isla Margarita and Puerto Cabello.
- Ecuador: weekly service to Guayaquil, with onforwardings to Quito.
- Peru: fortnightly service to Callao, with onforwardings to Lima, Pisco.
- Chile: fortnightly service to San Antonio, with onforwardings to Antofagasta, Arica, Talcahuano.
- Persian Gulf: weekly service to Dubai, with onforwardings to Abu Dhabi, Doha, Sharjah, Bahrein, Kuwait, Port Sultan Qaboos, Western India and Pakistan.
- Sout East Asia: weekly service from to Singapore, Port Kelang, Bangkok. Onforwardings to Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Eastern India, Colombo, Japan and Australia.
- Far East: weekly service to Hong Kong, Keelung, Busan, Shanghai, Xingang. Onforwardings to Shentzen, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Dalian, Xiamen, Tianjin, Beijing and many other destinations in China.
- Australia: weekly service to Melbourne and Sydney.
- New Zeland: weekly service to Auckland, with onforwardings to Wellington, Lyttelton, Napier, Dunedin, Christchurch.
- Mediterranean Sea: weekly service to Casablanca, Algers, Alexandria, Limassol, Beirut, Ashdod and Haifa, Malta, Istanbul, Izmir and Mersin. Fortnightly to Tripoli, Benghazi, Sfax, Port Said, Piraeus.
- Services via Hamburg: weekly and fortnightly services to Cuba, Santo Domingo, Panama, Puertorico, Guatemala, Costarica. Services to North of Brazil via Suape to Fortaleza, Salvador de Bahia. Direct services to West Africa, Dakar, Tema, Cotonou, Lagos.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



Customer's Reviews:

John Unger

I use them for all our Italy to Canada transport.
Maurizio and his staff of professionals have always made the customer #1

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