Established in 1968, Coastline Vehicle Transport are the largest privately owned car carrying company in Australia. We are equipped to handle the movement of single vehicles or large volumes. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Coastline Vehicle Transport

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Coastline Vehicle Transport
Phone:       (07) 3375-5061
Fax:            (07) 3375-4528
Address:2666 Ipswich Road
Web Site    

We provide the following services:
- bookings can be made with as little as 24 hours notice;
- we have a comprehensive Brisbane Metropolitan fleet and currently move in excess of 300 vehicles per day in Brisbane and surrounding areas;
- our intrastate and interstate services encompass direct services to every coastal town in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria;
- we also offer direct services to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Mackay, Townsville, Cairns, Mt Isa and Darwin;
- we hold a full “Cargo Marine All Risk Insurance Policy” with ACE Insurance Company;
- all storage depots have around the clock surveillance and are secured by a 2 metre high barbwire, electrified security fence, and have either an on site caretaker or regular security patrols.

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