
Coastal Midwest Transport |
Phone: +61 8 9361 8988 Fax: +61 8 9361 8068 |
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Coastal Midwest Transport offers :
- one stop service for all your freight needs;
- 7 days a week, 24 hours assistance;
- logistics specialists;
- innovative transport solutions custom-tailored to our clients' varied requirements;
- competitive rates;
- modern and comprehensive fleet for all transport requirements;
- our expertise and quality commitment.
Our services include:
- general freight service
Operating daily, Coastal Midwest Transport offers a general freight service between Perth and Kalgoorlie. Our service also extends from Kalgoorlie covering Southern Cross and Eastern Goldfields regions, Leonora, Leinster, Murrin-Murrin and Laverton. This service operates three times per week.
- warehousing
Coastal Midwest Transport operates modern secured facilities for all industries. Offering a complete receiving, storing and distributing service, including:
a. stocktaking.
b. stock-control.
c. inventory management.
d. mine site replenishment.
- local transport
Coastal Midwest Transport offers a reliable and prompt service on freight pick-up and delivery within the Perth metropolitan area.
Dedicated Transport, long Distance Transport, Container Cartage
With our comprehensive range of fleet vehicles, we offer cartage services for all types of freight throughout Australia. We operate from modern facilities with a network of regionally based depots and agents to offer prompt and reliable door-to-door services at competitive prices.
- air and sea freight
For all your air and sea freight requirement, Coastal Midwest Transport works extensively with agents on the co-ordination of all movements to ensure your cargo is handled properly from origin through to final delivery.
Perth Road Express provides a highly professional team dedicated to the service of its clients. Specialising in wharf cartage, storage and distribution, Perth Road Express also offers general transport services throughout the Perth metropolitan area and country areas.
Whatever your requirements, Perth Road Express has the ability and experience to offer a complete shipping service, including:
a. direct delivery;
b. swinglift service;
c. unpack warehouse distribution.
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