Chongqing Meilian International Warehouse & Transport Co., Ltd is an international freight forwarder authorized by Ministry of Commerce of PRC. Our company has established branch companies in Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Qingdao and Tianjin. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Chongqing Meilian International Warehouse & Transport Co., Ltd.#

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Chongqing Meilian International Warehouse & Transport Co., Ltd.#
Phone:       86-23-67744445
Fax:            86-23-67744773
Address:18/F, Jingang Mansion, No.6, Jialing 2nd Village,
Web Site    

Our company specializes in international freight forwarding on import and export by ocean and air:
1. Air transportation services;
2. Ocean transportation and river-sea multimodal transportation services:
- ocean import;
- ocean export;
- transshipment services;
- regular container import and export consolidating services;
- arranging river-sea, land-sea multimodal transport of bulk cargoes vanning services.
3. Warehouse and insurance services;
4. Import transportation services and overseas agency;
5. Railway transportation:
a. mainland China to Hong Kong
- arrange transport services from China inland to Hong Kong, Hong Kong local delivery, goods storage and transference to Macao:
b. Hong Kong to mainland China:
- various types of cargo transport by trains, trucks and vans, 20' or 40' railway and self-provided containers;
- consolidated transport of bulk cargoes, regular transport of over-length, over-height, over-weight and other over-limited cargoes;
- international railway multimodal transport from frontier to Korea, Mongolia, CIS and so on.

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