
Chongqing Meilian International Warehouse & Transport Co., Ltd.# |
Phone: 86-23-67744445 Fax: 86-23-67744773
Address: | 18/F, Jingang Mansion, No.6, Jialing 2nd Village, Chongqing | |
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Our company specializes in international freight forwarding on import and export by ocean and air:
1. Air transportation services;
2. Ocean transportation and river-sea multimodal transportation services:
- ocean import;
- ocean export;
- transshipment services;
- regular container import and export consolidating services;
- arranging river-sea, land-sea multimodal transport of bulk cargoes vanning services.
3. Warehouse and insurance services;
4. Import transportation services and overseas agency;
5. Railway transportation:
a. mainland China to Hong Kong
- arrange transport services from China inland to Hong Kong, Hong Kong local delivery, goods storage and transference to Macao:
b. Hong Kong to mainland China:
- various types of cargo transport by trains, trucks and vans, 20' or 40' railway and self-provided containers;
- consolidated transport of bulk cargoes, regular transport of over-length, over-height, over-weight and other over-limited cargoes;
- international railway multimodal transport from frontier to Korea, Mongolia, CIS and so on.
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