New Zealand
Many companies say they are able to offer full logistics support, but frequently this is just a fond wish on their part. Few are able to provide real experience and knowledge across both international and domestic markets. help
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Cargo Co-ordinators

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New Zealand
Cargo Co-ordinators
Phone:       09 524 1810
Fax:            09 524 2109
Address:85 Nuffield St Newmarket.
Web Site    

The basic directions of activity of the company:
- airfreight -small and large lots;
- shipping/sea freight -LCL and FCL;
- order trace/chase -checking product readiness, cargo;
- product sourcing -assistance with finding suppliers, interpreters;
- contract terms -provision and explanation of common trade terms, incoterms;
- cost comparisons -calculation of various shipment method costs including transit compared interest and opportunity costs;
- rail - full container, LCL, refrigerated, bulk;
- coastal sea -break bulk, bulk, containerized (both reefer and dry);
- storage/warehousing - dry and refrigerated or frozen;
- containers - cartage, vanning or devanning.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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