
Bourbon |
Phone: 33 (0)1 40 13 86 16 Fax: 33 (0)1 40 28 40 31
Address: | 33, rue du Louvre Paris 75002 | |
Web Site
Bourbon comprises three trades:
a. offshore division;
Bourbon provides marine services for the offshore oil industry in the international market.
It offers its clients a choice of 4 kinds of vessel:
- multi purpose supply vessels. MPSVs are multi-purpose vessels that are designed to ensure a wide range of maintenance services for oilfields.
- anchor handling tug supply vessels. AHTS vessels are used to install and maintain oil platforms.
- platform supply vessels. PSVs handle supplies to offshore installations.
- terminal tugs and passenger vessels.
Bourbon Offshore also operates terminal tugs, fast support and intervention vessels (FSIV) and also personnel carriers.
b. towage & salvage division;
Harbour towage, deep sea towage, assistance and salvage, are the main activities of the Bourbon offshore.
c. bulk division;
Specialising in dry bulk shipping (coal, minerals, cement, grain, etc.), Bourbon has developed a expertise in the international marine freight sector.
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