Border Express has grown since 1981 to become one of Australia's largest privately owned transport companies. help
Low cost international shipping and moving services!

Border Express

Low cost international shipping and moving services!
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Border Express
Contact:    Geoff Luff
Phone:       0418 247 600
Fax:            02 6022 6050
Address:306 Macauley Street PO Box 482
South Albury , New South Wales
Web Site    

Line haul services
The Border Express network of line haul, warehouse, terminal and distribution facilities, extends right across Australia.

The Border Express network
It is our belief that properly trained and resourced people can meet any challenge. The Border Express network of company owned and operated freight terminals, warehouse facilities, transport equipment and transport route services, provides customers with a dependable, competitive edge.

Distribution and warehousing services
Independent and professionally managed freight terminals in Adelaide, Albury, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney; together with strategic alliances in Darwin, Hobart, Wagga Wagga and other regional centres provides conprehensive metropolitan, intercapital and regional distribution capabilities. Each terminal provides highly organised warehousing and fleet distribution services. Melbourne is currently serviced with two terminals, effectively allowing pickup and delivery in the west from Laverton, and in the east from Clayton.

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