BKC- Behran Kala Int offers international freight services from all around the world to all destinations in Iran and other countries. help
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BKC- Behran Kala Int

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BKC- Behran Kala Int
Contact:    Mr. Sasan Behnam
Phone:       +9821 77656966
Fax:            +9821 7750 7849
Address:Dr. Shariati Ave.
Tehran , Middle East
Web Site    

The company offers the following services:

- Road transport: shipment of goods by Iranian, Turkish and Bulgarian trucks from All European Countries to Iran.

- Sea transport: shipment of cargo by containers (both dry and open top) and conventional from All around the world specially China ports to Irania south ports with very special freight charges.

- Air transport: shipment of goods by plane from Tehran airport to other airports all over the world and vice versa. We support all cargo such as normal cargo, hazardous cargo.

- Multimode: transport by truck, vessel mixed.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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