United States
The company is located in St. Louis, IL. Established in the beginning of the 20th Century Beelman Truck Co. can deliver the goods anywhere, anytime, on-time. help
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Beelman Truck Co.

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United States
Beelman Truck Co.
Phone:       (618) 646-5315
Fax:            (618) 646-5400
Address:1 Racehorse Drive East
St. Louis , Illinois
Web Site    

Beelman Truck Co. are:
1. Transporters of general commodities specializing in dry bulk commodities since 1906. Equipment includes:
- end dump trailers;
- dry bulk pneumatics;
- flats and vans.
2. Distributors of lime kiln dust also known as Code L - used for soil stabilization, modification, drying, and sludge solidification.
3. Producers of ACBF Slag:
- seal coat chips;
- asphalt anti-skid aggregate;
- IDOT approved base stone;;
- manufactured sand;
- rock wool slag.
4. Dealer in grain:
- Illinois and Missouri;
- buy off the farm and provide transportation.
5. Transfers available between barge and truck - subcontracted to Beelman River Terminals, Inc., which operates facilities in St. Louis, MO, Venice, IL, and South Chicago, IL:
- bulk commodities;
- steel products and heavy lifts;
- storage available;
- JIT deliveries.

Company rating:
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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