United States
The Atlanta Perishables Complex is specially designed to maintain the refrigerated integrity of perishable commodities during the import and export process. help
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Atlanta Perishables Group

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United States
Atlanta Perishables Group
Phone:       404-767-1700
Fax:            404-559-438
Address:1270 Woolman Place
Atlanta , Georgia
Web Site    

Perishables Group International offers services for customers that include:
- receiving, storage, and airport delivery;
- transportation of commodities on and off the airport;
- re-packing and cooperage services and supplies;
- federal inspection presentation services for USDA, CBP,FDA, and us fish and wildlife;
- fumigation;
- cold treatment;
- pre-cooling;
- incineration and/or destruction;
- airline planeside pick up and delivery;
- ULD buildup and breakdown;
- interline and intraline transfers;
- specialty sorting and handling;
- air/land storage and transfers;
- third party logistics.

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