Airline Marketing & Services was founded in 2001. Air-Mark provides sales, marketing and other cargo services for airlines who require a reliable partner in Turkey. help
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Air-Mark/Marka Havacilik Ltd.

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Air-Mark/Marka Havacilik Ltd.
Phone:       +90 (0)212 245 44 65
Fax:            +90 (0)212 245 44 86
Address:Inonu Caddesi 44/8, Gumussuyu, Taksim
Web Site    

Airline GSSA
Airmark is one of leading general sales and services agents (GSSA) in Turkey. Currently serving 20 carriers worldwide Air-Mark is an IATA certified GSSA, member of TIACA and a member of FAGSA (Federation of Airline General Sales Agents).

Airline Station Management & Handling Supervision
Through our network of offices, we are able to offer a comprehensive range of services. This range includes all your passenger and cargo requirements. On the day of departure, we facilitate pre and post flight procedures that include:
- supervision of ramp, operations and check-in and third party;
- suppliers such as fuel, cleaning, catering.;
- collection of revenue such as upgrades, extra legroom and excess baggage;
- crew liaison including any documentation;
- supervision of cargo loading and unloading and delivery to the cargo warehouse;
- arrangement of crew transport;
- post flight collection of documentation such as flight coupons, manifests, cargo paperwork;
- slot negotiation;
- VIP meet and greet service available;
- ensuring airline awareness and branding is delivered at all times;
- detailed flight reporting to suit your requirements.

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Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Great



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