The company specializes in the trade lane between North America and India in large part because of its exclusive alliance with AFL, India's longest established integrated freight forwarding and logistics company. help
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AFT International Freight Systems Inc.

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AFT International Freight Systems Inc.
Contact:    Rajat Sharma
Phone:       +1 (514) 485-1500
Fax:            +1 (514) 485-7900
Address:310 Victoria
Montreal , Quebec
H3Z 2M9
Web Site    

AFT's offices are strategically located throughout the US and Canada. AFL offices are located through India. The AFT team consists of dedicated trade specialists who are trained to provide customers with the highest quality and personalized service. Daivam Transport Inc. is a leading provider of freight transportation and related logistics services. These include air and ocean freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution and information services. Our specialty is door-to-door service between North America and India in partnership with AFL Limited.

Air freight
As IATA/CNS approved airfreight forwarders we offer frequent consolidations between North America and India. We consolidate cargo to and from major gateway airports.

Ocean freight
In Canada, Daivam Transport Inc. is an NVOCC (Non-vessel operating common carrier) issuing its own house bills of lading. In India, AFL Limited has been an ocean freight forwarder for over 50 years and possesses all necessary industry accreditations.

Surface transportation
Over the years we have forged relationships with numerous trucking companies in North America and India. This, supplemented by our own equipment, enables us to pick up and deliver freight to and from all points in the North America and India.

Project transportation
As a big emerging market, India is investing in the building of its infrastructure on a massive scale. We have extensive experience in all aspects of project transportation and clearance with delivery to final destination. This can be in very remote locations where basic facilities such as roads and bridges need to be strengthened and we have an outstanding track record in handling heavy packages under adverse conditions. Customs clearance of project cargo is a specialized skill developed by us over the years and is absolutely necessary to ensure the timely commissioning of projects.

Logistics services
Our mission is to provide you with seamless transportation, storage and distribution solutions. Our vision is to be the acknowledged leader in providing world-class integrated logistics solutions between the two continents. As India's pioneering organization in logistics, we jointly provide door-to-door customized solutions to Hewlett Packard, Godrej and Boyce, MacDonalds, Siemens and a host of other multinationals and national companies.

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